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You are the best

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You are the best Empty You are the best

Post by Heaven Thu May 07, 2009 6:26 pm

The best players aren't the ones who spend the most in a MMO. The best players arent the ones who kill the fastest. The best players are NOT the ones who destroy those who oppose them.

The best players can make other players playing environments fun and enjoyable. The best players grow with their friends in an MMO. The best players make other players want to be better.

Ive played on Sypheris, ive played on Marea, ive played on Torian. On each server, i run into one group of people with great potential, morale, self esteem and ethics. Alot of the time, players dont know their names. But in my mind, the best players on torian can be found in obsession.

The list goes on and branches out to people who arent in the guild also.

Thank George for keeping a cool/mature head when rm was kosing us. I'd Think lifestyles for doing the same. Thank siniesin for being an individual even though he/she was in revo, he still did what he wanted, and didnt attack everyone Gah put on his personal kos list. He thought for himself. Thank doro and sammy for continueing to play, even though they had a tendency to guild hop.

Guild hopping isnt my style though.

I came to this server and joined genocide. I befriended noobie,nat,kyo,adriell,sola, and zepheris when i joined. They where fun to play with and i always stick with the first guild i join on a server, unless they disbanned or are full of assholes. I was instantly added to the war. At first it was fun, but then i realized the server was full of hate. Pvp is fine, guild wars are fine. But the harrasment isnt.

The month or so i continue to play, i wont be bothered with who is from vietnam and who isnt. I dont want to be a part of the flames and personal attacks, be it pictures or language that express feelings of hate.

It has nothing to do with a KOS. It has nothing to do with being carebear, i'll pvp anyone 1v1. I'd love to do 3v3 or 5v5. It has nothing to do with trash talking. It has everything to do with logging in, and being spammed or downgraded with words of hate. It got so bad that id sometimes flame too. I'm not that type of person, but times like when Tropaiz the traitor tried to personally attack sally at the limestone war, i flipped and hurt her feelings, im sure of it.

It gets to everyone in the end i guess...

I cant do it anymore. I like helping noobs with their build. I like answering questions. And i like argueing over statements, especially when we experiment and find out something we didnt know before (aint that right zeph Razz )

Dont be sad or dissappointed that i left. Its a game and you are all meant to have fun with it. I hope i made it fun for you all the times i logged in. But for now, i will play out my remainding time without all the BS that would normally come along with it.

I just wanted you all to know that, no matter what anyone says in-game, you are the best..... the ABSOLUTE best that torian has to offer. Please, let it show too. Try to fight it in a different way also. We are all adults (besides noobie Razz ) dont flame them when you kill them, just laugh. Or kill them and keep quiet. Maybe, just maybe, they will grow up and in-turn make the server a better place for future generations to come.

I love you all cheers and you all know that.

Mature Cherry
Mature Cherry

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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by Kareem Thu May 07, 2009 6:49 pm

Bye Heaven , hope people are better in silva .
and come visit the forum and tell us ur news here soon.
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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by Zepheris Thu May 07, 2009 6:50 pm

"Reserved" >D muahhaahha

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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by Shintenshi Thu May 07, 2009 7:00 pm

I'll miss you Heaven! I'll miss all the bind fights we had in Genocide, back when we just met and you had brought brado. You're the best str guard next to Niva and also the nicest and sweetest. Hope to hear from you soon :3 <3

Teen Cherry
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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by Heaven Thu May 07, 2009 7:11 pm

Shintenshi wrote:I'll miss you Heaven! I'll miss all the bind fights we had in Genocide, back when we just met and you had brought brado. You're the best str guard next to Niva and also the nicest and sweetest. Hope to hear from you soon :3 <3

Aww man i wanted to be first >.<. "Next to niva" is still good lol! even though she was hybrid.

And kareem, im back on sypheris. I guess ill end it where i began, you know. Like in the movies when someone wants to be burried in their backyard i guess lol...

Ill miss you guys. This isnt the first time i made a " Be optimistic, you guys still rock" thread >.<. Nice to see everyone i left on sypheris, but ill get the same response when i quit for good....

Anyways, you guys keep your heads up and reach for the stars. You may not be able to see the heavens, but its never out of reach.

Mature Cherry
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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by Silmeria Thu May 07, 2009 9:05 pm

byeee heaven have fun in heaven in silva! =D
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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by Heaven Thu May 07, 2009 9:19 pm

Silmeria wrote:byeee heaven have fun in heaven in silva! =D

Im...Not...On....Silva Mad Mad . But Bye silm, ill miss you :/.

Anyone know if the alpha looking for a 88+ knight and gear is the same alpha from smiling? Could someone check that for me? Would be great if i could sell Heaven to a smiling Smile . I put her up at 30k sticker price so that people could see it and send offers. But i set it high so that no one straight up snatched her, and i could see who was buying it first...

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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by noobietta Thu May 07, 2009 10:35 pm

im sad Crying or Very sad
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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by shade Thu May 07, 2009 11:18 pm

take care heaven, was nice to meet u. i hope the servers peaceful for u there ^^, we will always be here, lol most of us are lifers here on rohan so stop in netime and say hi let us kno ur still rockin in ur own special way like u always have Smile, stay cool and have a good time, thats what its all about.
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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by SuhPie Fri May 08, 2009 10:47 pm

Bye Heaven wish you the best of the best and take care Sad

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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by SallyB Fri May 08, 2009 10:57 pm

tc sweety, we still have msn Very Happy

ps. i heard trop quit too hehe
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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by B2dArOcK Tue May 12, 2009 12:04 pm

awww we lost another hotty -.- have fun T.T

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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by Beth Thu May 14, 2009 12:42 am

Heaven... Sweetie I'll come to visit in Silva. I think you're tops! I know any friends you make there will be the better for befriending you for sure. Torian is the loser here. Let me know how it is... it would be nice to find a place to vacation. Mwahhh.
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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by SallyB Thu May 14, 2009 12:43 am

beth i think its syrephis not silva.. xD
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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by shade Thu May 14, 2009 2:08 am

lol syrephis is my original server lol theres a noob shade still there
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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by Sweet Thu May 14, 2009 7:51 am

Heaven wrote:The best players aren't the ones who spend the most in a MMO. The best players arent the ones who kill the fastest. The best players are NOT the ones who destroy those who oppose them.

The best players can make other players playing environments fun and enjoyable. The best players grow with their friends in an MMO. The best players make other players want to be better.

Ive played on Sypheris, ive played on Marea, ive played on Torian. On each server, i run into one group of people with great potential, morale, self esteem and ethics. Alot of the time, players dont know their names. But in my mind, the best players on torian can be found in obsession.


I just wanted you all to know that, no matter what anyone says in-game, you are the best..... the ABSOLUTE best that torian has to offer. Please, let it show too. Try to fight it in a different way also. We are all adults (besides noobie Razz ) dont flame them when you kill them, just laugh. Or kill them and keep quiet. Maybe, just maybe, they will grow up and in-turn make the server a better place for future generations to come.

I love you all cheers and you all know that.

Most mature words that I've ever saw since I began playing MMORPG Razz, love it

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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by Alucard Thu May 14, 2009 11:46 am

aww, ill miss ya too heaven, i didnt know u very long but i like u, have fun wherever ur going

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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by DayWalker Sun May 31, 2009 10:19 am

aww Heaven how is it there in syrephis
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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

Post by Pondus Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:00 am

Bye heaven, only had chance to talk to you a few times while you were here, but hope you had some fun here in torian. Good luck in silva!!!!!!!!!!

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You are the best Empty Re: You are the best

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